Head of the Department
Dr. Tripurari Sharan
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Low-Voltage Low-power VLSI CMOS Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems Design
Phone(EPBX/Office): 0360-2257401-8 ext. 7103, Mb. No.: +91,7085398792 view profile
Dr. Md. Anwar Hussain
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Fields of Research:
1.Routing & Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Networks, Key Distribution in Sensor Networks.
2.Multimedia Data Encryption and Security, Mobile Computing and Security, Credit/ Debit Card Fraud Detection.
3.Time-series Data Modelling and Prediction, Climate Change and Modelling.
4.Low Power VLSI Design, Architecture and Routing for Network On Chip (NOC).
5.High Data Rate Communication System, Massive MIMO.
Phone(EPBX/Office):0360-2257401-8 extn. 6160 view profile
Dr. Rajesh Kumar
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Communication System, Sensor and Circuits
Dr.Joyatri Bora Hazarika
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Wireless Communication, Massive MIMO, Bio-Electronics, IoT
Phone(EPBX/Office): 0360-2257401-8/6259(extn) view profile
Dr. Madhusudhan Mishra
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Phone(EPBX/Office): 257401 - 410 extn. 6258 (Off) view profile
Dr. Pranab Kishore Dutta
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Semiconductor Devices and VLSI Circuits, Digital Design
Phone(EPBX/Office):0360 2257401-8 extn. 9109 view profile
Dr. Ashok Kumar Ray
Associate Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Semiconductor device, design, development and modelling. GaN and SiC based device. VLSI Technology
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
VLSI for Wireless Communication, Analog Integrated Circuit, Digital Integrated Circuit
Phone(EPBX/Office):0360-2257401-410 (6162 extn.) view profile
Anil Kumar Gautam
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Low-Voltage Low-Power CMOS Analog Circuit Design
Phone(EPBX/Office): 0360 2257401-8 Ext:7112
Mob No. 9774383969 view profile
Akho John Richa
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Digital electronics, Circuits and Devices.
Moirangthem Edison Singh
Assistant Professor
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Microwave Filters, Antennas
Phone(EPBX/Office):0360-2257401-8 extn. 6166 view profile